Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Things 7: communication tools -- Return to This

My report"

Email: using it already successfully. But it was good to be reminded about the waste of time with checking for new mail so often. It can be a real waste of time.

IM: I would like to try using this for reference. Stumbling blocks - learning to use it and getting the IT people to approve some kind of use of it on our library homepage which is quite restricted. A good summer project.

Webconference: we have used this extensively (as a viewer) for software training and various professional development sessions. It is easy to use. I wonder if this could be used along with Skype to eliminate the long distance phone call

Additional things: I looked into Twitter and found it to be quite a disappointment. boring, insipid, like a fire work a big bang and then nothing. not for me.

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